How to Find Your Ideal THC:CBD Ratio
Finding your most effective CBD to THC ratio will aid in maximizing the potential medicinal benefits weed can provide. Whether you’re an experienced weed user or embarking on a new treatment regimen that involves weed, a fundamental understanding of how to find your ideal ratio can help you achieve your desired results.
This refers to the amount of CBD and THC that is contained in any form of weed, including smokable flower, edibles, cartridges, tinctures, sublingual sprays, creams/salves, tablets, capsules and concentrates. The optimal CBD:THC ratio
will vary depending on one’s individual physiology, medical conditions, and weed tolerance.
THC dominant options (0:1) will provide varying degrees of psychoactivity. THC also induces appetite, reduces inflammation, and can provide relaxing and/or cerebral effects. Adverse effects may include tachycardia, anxiety, and paranoia. These can be reduced by introducing CBD into the equation. A 1:3 ratio of CBD to THC results in some psychoactivity while minimizing THC’s unwanted side effects, producing a calming sensation with reduced anxiety, stress relief and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties. This ratio can act an as advanced pain reliever with the synergistic benefits CBD and THC provide. A ratio of equal parts CBD to THC (1:1) is considered highly effective for pain relief, anxiety, spasticity, fibromyalgia, insomnia, nausea and appetite stimulation. This ratio shows promise in relieving symptoms associated with Multiple Sclerosis and may be able to kill certain cancer cells and inhibit tumour growth. A 1:1 can be a good starting point for many due to the multitude of conditions it may treat with minimal impairment.
Higher CBD options, such as 2:1 or 3:1, may be an ideal ratio for combating autoimmune disorders, gastrointestinal issues such as Crohn’s and colitis, arthritis, and psoriasis with little to no psychoactivity. CBD dominant ratios of 25:1 or 1:0 (hemp-based CBD) offer no psychoactivity and may be most effective for curbing high anxiety, depression, seizures, psychosis, PTSD, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s Disease. As with any treatment program, start small and work your way up incrementally. Tapering up to the proper dosage is typical when one begins a new medication and medicating with weed is no different. Weed is very individualized medicine, so feel free to ask as many questions as you have from one of our knowledgeable Patient Consultants. It’s strongly advised to consult with your primary care physician or specialist before starting any medical weed regimen.